Current Issue

Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific journal published biannually (December and June). Submitted manuscripts to CRRPP should be in English or Turkish. The CRRPP publishes original research articles, reviews, and case reports from different fields such as psychology and psychiatry, nursing, child development, and social work.

The audience of the CRRPP is primarily researchers and academicians in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, as well as researchers and academicians in related fields such as sociology, economics, anthropology, child development, nursing, and social work. The primary purpose of CRRPP is to provide original, high-quality, and innovative studies in the field of mental health, to provide up-to-date information and experience sharing, and to contribute to the development of publishing activities in these fields. Twice a year, in June and December, readers will have access to reviews that include the most recent advancements in the area, research papers with unique topics, and case reports with highlighted cases.

Information about the authors of the submitted manuscripts should be specified on a separate title page. On the title page, the title of the article, the names and surnames of the authors, their title, Orcid numbers, working addresses and e-mail addresses should be specified. At the end of the page, the address, telephone and e-mail address of the corresponding author must be included. The page should be prepared with Microsoft Office Word and saved as “Title Page” and the extension of the file should be in .docx or .doc format. You may find the journal's current instructions for authors by clicking here. When submitting manuscripts to the journal, please follow these guidelines.

All authors submitting articles to CRRPP are required to comply with the ethical standards published by the American Psychological Association and the Turkish Psychological Association.

Manuscripts that do not comply with publication ethics are sent back to the author without being evaluated after being reviewed by the editorial board.

Each author is obliged to comply with the following ethical rules.

The articles to be sent to CRRPP must be original and not previously published elsewhere. If the submitted study is produced from a thesis, oral or poster presentations, this should be stated by the author as a footnote on the first page of the article. If study has been presented in a scientific congress, the congress information and the type of presentation (oral or poster) should be stated.

Before submitting an article to the journal, the corresponding author (if any) must obtain approval from all other authors.

The authors are responsible for all the thoughts and opinions expressed in the articles.

The order of the authors should be determined before the manuscripts are submitted. After the article is accepted for publication, changes cannot be made in the author orders.

The data of published research articles should be kept by the authors for at least five (5) years. If it is necessary, analysis files and data can be requested from the authors.

The authors are required to inform their participants before their research and to obtain their consent by giving an informed consent form. In addition, authors should report potential conflicts of interest to the journal. When it is determined that even one of the ethical principles specified in an article is violated, the editorial board reject to study. If an ethical violation is detected in a published study, the article is withdrawn.

All studies submitted to CRRPP are examined with plagiarism checker programs. If the plagiarism rate (excluding the references at the end of the article) exceeds 20 per cent, the manuscript is rejected without being included in the review process.

In research articles that require ethical committee permission, information about the permission (ethical committee name, decision date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the last page of the article.

In research articles that require ethical committee permission, information about the permission (ethical committee name, decision date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the last page of the article.

There are no submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges (APCs), page charges, or color charges for this journal.